Tuesday, December 13, 2022

All Hail the Queen of Snark

Greetings and salutations snarky friends!

The time has come for us to crown our Queen of Queens for 2022!

Edna and the sisterhood of snarky stampers proudly present...

As our Queen of Queens, Queen Stephanie will be joining the sisterhood for our first challenge in 2023.

Would you like to be crowned a Queen or Princess of Snark in 2023??

Play along with our Naughty or Nice challenge before January 6th and you may just ascend to the throne!!

Happy holidays and happy new year from Edna and the sisterhood of snarky stampers!

Saturday, December 10, 2022

Soss #224 - N is for Naughty or Nice

Greetings and salutations snarky friends!

Hope all is well and safe in your corner of the world!

Thanks for stopping by to check out what will be our last challenge for 2022. We will taking a short holiday break until January 7th, so that gives you even more time to play along!!

It's the most wonderful time of the year...and for Edna and the sisterhood, that means it's time for the return of our annual holiday challenge and this year we are celebrating all things Naughty or Nice.

If you've been good all year, this is your chance to get naughty with the sisterhood...no judgement here friends, we highly encourage naughtiness!!

First up is our reigning Queen of Snark

Next, on to the Naughty or Nice projects of the sisterhood!

As always, we would love for you to join the sisterhood and play along!

Here are some important details to keep in mind:
  • You have until 11:55 pm EST on Friday January 6th to upload your project using the Inlinkz below.
  • Link directly to your NEW project (no back linking please), generic or outdated links will be deleted.
  • Please include a link back to this challenge, and we’d love to see our graphic displayed on your post!
  • No more than 10 combined challenges, including ours.  
  • You may enter a challenge up to 3 times, as long as each is a separate post.
  • Snark is greatly appreciated, but not a requirement for playing.
 Are you an Instagrammer? Follow us @sisterhood_of_snarky_stampers and be sure to use the hashtags #sisterhoodofsnarkystampers or #soss on your projects!

Tuesday, November 29, 2022

All Hail the Queen and Princesses of Snark!

Greetings and salutations snarky pals!

The time has come once again to crown our Queen and Princesses of Snark.

Edna has judged all the Juvenile projects and has declared by royal decree, our new Queen of Snark...

As our newly crowned Queen, we invite you to be a guest designer for our next challenge.

Please contact Sister Donna at donnastamps@live.ca by Friday December 2 for all the details. 

And now, on to our Royal Princesses of Snark!

Congrats to our newly crowned Queen and Princesses! 

Don't forget to grab your winners' badges to display proudly on your blogs!

Would you like to be crowned Queen or Princess of Snark?? 

Join the sisterhood in our current challenge - Q IS FOR QUEEN and you just may ascend to the throne!

Saturday, November 26, 2022

SoSS #223 - Q is for Queen

Greetings and salutations snarky friends!
We hope that all is well, safe, warm and cozy in your corner of the world and thanks for joining Edna and the sisterhood for our latest challenge.

Looks like Edna has grown weary of loaning out her crown, so she has decided (for the short term) to keep it all to herself. While she bathes in her royal awesomeness, she would also like you to play along with us because after all, Q is for Queen.

Our Queen for this challenge is Gail (AKA ionabunny), here's what she created for the challenge:

And here are the royal creations of the sisterhood:

As always, we would love for you to join the sisterhood and play along!

Here are some important details to keep in mind:
  • You have until 11:55 pm EST on Friday December 9th to upload your project using the Inlinkz below.
  • Link directly to your NEW project (no back linking please), generic or outdated links will be deleted.
  • Please include a link back to this challenge, and we’d love to see our graphic displayed on your post!
  • No more than 10 combined challenges, including ours.  
  • You may enter a challenge up to 3 times, as long as each is a separate post.
  • Snark is greatly appreciated, but not a requirement for playing.
 Are you an Instagrammer? Follow us @sisterhood_of_snarky_stampers and be sure to use the hashtags #sisterhoodofsnarkystampers or #soss on your projects!

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

All Hail the Queen and Princesses of Snark!

Greetings and salutations snarky pals!

The time has come once again to crown our Queen and Princesses of Snark.

Edna has peeped all the spooky Halloween projects and has declared by royal decree, our new Queen of Snark...

As our newly crowned Queen, we invite you to be a guest designer for our next challenge.

Please contact Sister Donna at donnastamps@live.ca by Friday November 18 for all the details. 

And now, on to our Royal Princesses of Snark!

Congrats to our newly crowned Queen and Princesses! 

Don't forget to grab your winners' badges to display proudly on your blogs!

Would you like to be crowned Queen or Princess of Snark?? 

Join the sisterhood in our current challenge - J IS FOR JUVENILE and you just may ascend to the throne!

Saturday, November 12, 2022

SoSS 222 J is for Juvenile


This week Edna is channeling her inner child and challenges the sisterhood to make something Juvenille. 

First up let's see what our Queen has done. 

and let's see how juvenile the Sisterhood can be.

As always, we would love for you to join the sisterhood and play along!

Here are just a few things to keep in mind:

·        You have until 11:55 pm EST on November 25, 2022 to upload your project using the Inlinkz below.

·        Link directly to your NEW project (no back linking please), generic or outdated links will be deleted.

·        Please include a link back to this challenge, and we’d love to see our graphic displayed on your post!

·        No more than 10 combined challenges, including ours.  You may enter a challenge up to 3 times, as long as each is a separate post.

·        Snark is greatly appreciated, but not a requirement for playing.



Are you an Instagrammer? Follow us @sisterhood_of_snarky_stampers and be sure to use the hashtags #sisterhoodofsnarkystampers or #soss on your projects!

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Tuesday, November 1, 2022

All Hail the Queen and Princesses of Snark!

Greetings and salutations snarky pals!

The time has come once again to crown our Queen and Princesses of Snark.

Edna has peeped all the perfectly pink projects and has declared by royal decree, our new Queen of Snark...

As our newly crowned Queen, we invite you to be a guest designer for our next challenge.

Please contact Sister Donna at donnastamps@live.ca by Friday November 4 for all the details. 

And now, on to our Royal Princesses of Snark!

Congrats to our newly crowned Queen and Princesses! 

Don't forget to grab your winners' badges to display proudly on your blogs!

Would you like to be crowned Queen or Princess of Snark?? 

Join the sisterhood in our current challenge - H IS FOR HALLOWEEN and you just may ascend to the throne!

Saturday, October 29, 2022

SoSS #221 H is for Halloween

Spooky season is upon us and Edna will soon be around to haunt you. Well, at least if the spiders have their way.

Below you will find the sisters spooky creations, enjoy. 

First up is our reigning Queen of Snark

Next up, the spooky creations of the sisterhood!

As always, we would love for you to join the sisterhood and play along!

Here are just a few things to keep in mind:

·        You have until 11:55 pm EST on November 11, 2022 to upload your project using the Inlinkz below.

·        Link directly to your NEW project (no back linking please), generic or outdated links will be deleted.

·        Please include a link back to this challenge, and we’d love to see our graphic displayed on your post!

·        No more than 10 combined challenges, including ours.  You may enter a challenge up to 3 times, as long as each is a separate post.

·        Snark is greatly appreciated, but not a requirement for playing.

Are you an Instagrammer? Follow us @sisterhood_of_snarky_stampers and be sure to use the hashtags #sisterhoodofsnarkystampers or #soss on your projects!