Saturday, May 18, 2019

SoSS #135 - I is for Ironmongery

It's Saturday and time for our latest challenge: I is for Ironmongery.  WTF?, you say.  No, that was our last challenge. Here's the definition from Wikipedia (so we know this is absolutely accurate):

  • Ironmongery originally referred, first, to the manufacture of iron goods and, second, to the place of sale of such items for domestic rather than industrial use. In both contexts, the term has expanded to include items made of steel, aluminum, brass, or other metals, as well as plastics. 

There are all sorts of ways to interpret this.  Let's start things off with our current Queen of Snark and guest designer...

As always, we would love it if you'd join the Sisterhood and play along. You have until 11:55 PM EDT on Friday, May 31, to upload your project using the Inlinkz below. 
  • Link Directly to your new project (no backlinking please) — generic or outdated links will be deleted.
  • Please include a link back to this challenge, we would love to see our graphic displayed on your post!
  • No more than 10 combined challenges, including ours.
  • You may enter up to three times, as long as each entry is a separate post.
Are you an Instagrammer? Follow the Sisterhood @sisterhood_of_snarky_stampers and be sure to use the hashtags #sisterhoodofsnarkystampers or #soss on your projects!

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