Saturday, November 2, 2019

SoSS #149 - T is for TEA

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Edna loves a good cup of tea, and so do I (it's Sistah Jane posting this week). Maybe it's my Britishness, but I'm seldom seen without a cup of tea in my hand (unless of course the sun is over the yardarm, in which case it's an entirely different beverage.) So today's challenge is T is for tea.

First up, our reigning Queen of Snark, QUEEN LAURA 
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And now from the sistahs:

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  • You have until 11:55 PM EST on Friday, 15th November, to upload your project using the Inlinkz below.
  • Link directly to your NEW project (no back linking please), generic or outdated links will be deleted.
  • Please include a link back to this challenge, and we'd love to see our graphic displayed on your post!
  • No more than 10 combined challenges, including ours. You may enter a challenge up to 3 times, as long as each is a separate post.
Are you an Instagrammer?
Follow the Sisterhood @sisterhood_of_snarky_stampers and be sure to use the hashtags #sisterhoodofsnarkystampers or #soss on your projects!


  1. My preferred beverage is coffee (sorry) but I am developing a taste for tea. Gonna have to put on my thinking cap to come up with something snarky. 🧐

  2. LoL - excellent DT

  3. Awesome examples from the DT!!! Thanks for the great challenge and all the inspiration!
