Tuesday, March 4, 2025

All Hail the Queen of (love) Snark!

Greetings and salutations snarky friends, it's time to crown our L is for Love Queen and Princesses of Snark.

By royal decree, Edna is chuffed to present:

As our newly crowned Queen, we invite you to be our guest designer for our next challenge. 

Please contact Sister Donna at donnastamps@live.ca by Friday March 14th for all the details.

And now, our Princesses of Snark:


Congratulations to our newly crowned Queen and Princesses!

Don't forget to grab your fancy new 2025 winners badges to display proudly on your blogs!

Would you like to be our next Queen or Princess of Snark?

Check out our current challenge G is for Green and you just may snag a crown!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much and congratulations to everyone else! :)
