Saturday, November 16, 2019

SoSS Challenge #148 - Q is for Quip

Today we are playing with the letter Q and getting all Quippy! 

Just to make sure we're all on the same page for this challenge a quip (according to a well-known online dictionary website) is a short, witty comment which can be pleasant, wise, or sarcastic, but usually carries an element of humor. Wit, wisdom, sarcasm and humor? Sounds like a perfect recipe for snarky card making fun! 

First up is our reigning Queen of Snark, Lauren, with this little piece of quiptastic wonderfulness:

Now, let's see what the sisterhood have created for this challenge:

  • You have until 11:55 PM EST on Friday, 29th November to upload your project using the Inlinkz below.
  • Link directly to your NEW project (no back linking please), generic or outdated links will be deleted.
  • Please include a link back to this challenge, and we'd love to see our graphic displayed on your post!
  • No more than 10 combined challenges, including ours. You may enter a challenge up to 3 times, as long as each is a separate post.
  • Are you an Instagrammer?
  • Follow the Sisterhood @sisterhood_of_snarky_stampers and be sure to use the hashtags #sisterhoodofsnarkystampers or #soss on your projects.


  1. Hahahaha - what excellent creations. They all made me giggle :-D x

  2. Awesome design team inspirations and from our Queen Lauren! Thanks ladies!! It was a blast!
